WARNING: 100% flashing lights highly suggest not to play if you have a sensitivity to it 

Developers: Cipherdam and HanburiedAlive

Left Mouse button - does the shooty

WASD -  does the moving

If you do have light sensitivity press "L" key, its a debug key because  I can see things in the dark haha but I kept it in.

The game's core concept is you're a specialist tactical unit of a secret government agency for Neutralizing Unsanctioned Transdimensional Sorcery. You're instructed to enter a facility and eliminate the Mages. To do this, you need to break their barriers which reveal their unseen guards. The room will be dark as the mage consumes the light to create the barrier and their cultist followers. Once you break the first barrier the cultists will be visible to the naked eye. Once you eliminate them, you will be able to break another barrier. You won't be able to see the cultist right away.

Second warning, with learning with Godot and full time jobs we put in the time we could. Thanks for at least giving it a try.

Made withGodot


Luminous Perforation

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